Sunday, July 11, 2010

Thank You Corporate Fathers

thank you agribusiness for this thy bounty which we are about to mindlessly consume
          thank you for genetically modifying our wheat and our corn
only so that yield per acre might temporarily be marginally increased

thank you our petro-chemical paters in whose wisdom
          we spray on poisons that insects quickly evolve and overcome
but whose effects are magnified in our children for generations yet unborn

thank you dear corporate families
          for turning agriculture into a modern production industry
for bringing mass production to bear upon our infant’s diet

thank you dedicated chemists for your colorings and preservatives
          thank you for a shippable red tomato with no taste at all
and thank you so much for eradicating those non-producing songbirds

thank you pig farm operators for poisoning our ground water
          and forcing our porcine relatives to live and die without dignity
and thank you for producing super bugs by overusing antibiotics

thank you feedlot owners for making beef so tender
          through the force feeding of expensive and indigestible grain
to all those peaceful cattle enduring their multi-generational holocaust

thank you slaughterhouse operators for hiding all but the awful smell
          that we might fear no violence, blood or abuse
thank you for supplying McDonald's so cheaply and efficiently

thank you wonderful managers who captain all industries just the same
          for ridding us of those inefficient family farmers
and measuring the worth of irreplaceable croplands via your firm’s quarterly stock price

thank you corporate science for blessing us with genetically modified food
          for scattering it wide in our fields with utter ignorance of its effects
thank you for experimenting directly with nature, on our food supply

thank you dear snack food industry for giving me what I want
          for researching tasty combinations of sugar, salt and saturated fat
thank you helping me die young, obese, hypertensive and diabetic

thank you honored fast food industry for increasing my greasy portions
          of your ultra high fat french fries
thank you for all of the paper and plastic I have been able to throw on the ground

thank you clever chemists for providing color chips to salmon growers
          we marvel at unsustainable, meticulously measured, pelletized food
thank you for killing the few wild fish left with your dreadful farmed sea lice

thank you brave restaurant conglomerates for emptying the seas
          for making us feel safe while eating food stripped of its soul
thank you for caring more about your ROI than what you are serving us

thank you far-seeing industry leaders for laying us off to reduce expenses
          for sending our jobs overseas and cutting out our benefits
thank you for slashing our retirement and 'earning' huge yearly bonuses

thank you industry mavens who pumped stocks to chumps before dumping their own,
          who enjoyed IPO favors and reciprocal agreements
thank you for consistently under-performing yet always taking a bigger cut

thank you vapid salesmen forever pumped up on greed
          whose wonders of life are new clothes, cars, boats and jewelry
thank you for promoting useless goods and thoughtlessly wasting finite resources

thank you attention-seeking politician, part actor, part suckup and part inveterate liar
          you peddle influence and favors and strike deals behind closed doors
thank you for the brilliant merger of government with business and industry

thank you slick media moguls, you succeed by modeling us as ignorant sheep
          then targeting us with your mindless slick form over substance
thank you and I wipe my ass with your contribution to intellectual property

thank you frightened and tired little managers everywhere for thinking quite alike
          making a living spending all of your time getting on the same page
thank you for never being able to hide your desperate eagerness to please

thank you revered advertising gurus who hammered home any message
          until it penetrated our skulls and became part of our lives
you should be put away and tortured with your own empty propaganda   

thank you oh brave government and business partnership, for making
          it cheaper to rip up untouched land than to renew your own decayed developments
you are living examples to us all of our sacred traditional values in action

thank you hard-working spin doctors of each and every foul stripe
          your ministrations are useful in all types of situations
thank you for being there to nurture our revered democratic process

thank you great, rich and powerful corporate shamans
          for your wondrous  and wise vision of a truly homogenized world
where we all eat the same food, hear the same radio and watch the same tv

thank you purveyors of what you call news
          19 minutes an hour of louder lies called commercials
then, of course, there's all-important Corporate Sports, Entertainment and the Hollywood News

thank you clever real estate developers and hungry, opportunistic salesmen
          growing rich because we let you tear the very face right off our lands
selling us our dreams and walking away as the bulldozers move in next door

thank you gallant entrepreneurs charging bravely forward
          fueled by noble greed, cutting expenses and slashing at red tape
you need not worry for this hatred is not personal, as this is strictly business

thank you magnificent recording industry leaders
          protecting the sacred rights of performing artists that you screwed
maintaining your vicious strangleholds by prosecuting your very customers

thank you doughty middle-aged female mid-level managers
          we are blessed to have witnessed your power and your wisdom
luckily for the future, you had more time for your family than you allowed for your work

thank you dedicated corporate outsourcers, bravely exporting decent jobs
          paying out but ten percent but charging at least fifty
and adding absolutely nothing of value to either side of the transaction

thank you visionary cable television magnates
          you gave us 300 specialty channels all aimed at the average 6th grader
each one targeting a niche market with matching commercials in mind

thank you wise and holy corporate fathers, we honor your spiritual quest
          we hope that you will share the cosmic vision you have been granted
we anxiously await the news of your death outside the walls of your locked compounds

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