Saturday, July 17, 2010

After All This Progress

After all the tigers have nowhere left to roam or hunt
They then become a menace and can be removed without a trace of guilt
After all the rhinos have stubbornly given up their lovely ivory horns
Oriental men will have to find another way to attain their magical erections
After all the elephants must be bred only in captivity
bull sperm will be harvested mechanically and the musty creatures drugged

After all the relevant decision-making is done by god-fearing neo-cons
we can search with lights in daytime for what they left behind as worthy of conserving
After everyone has all the guns they need but little food and there are no jobs
then it's time to send out our drugged child soldiers to clean up the countryside
After all the pigs and cows and chickens are manufactured like TV sets
At least this absurd and disgusting state has left our sanctimonious morality intact

After all the old growth trees are cut and shipped off overseas
there will be no logging jobs left and no reason for tourists to visit and to spend
After all the mighty tuna have vanished from the bluest ocean depths
we can try to convince ourselves that in god’s plan there is no need to miss them
After all our cows are made safe from natural predators on federal lands
we can clone them even stupider, fatten them faster and sell them cheaper

After all the salmon are raised in filthy pens using colors chosen off of salesman paint chips
they will be better suited for packaging in modern plastics beneath the bright lights
After all the solitary orangutans have no more deep forest refuges
they must adapt to any zoo lives that we might care to give them
After all the rivers are simply grimy, stinking channels for our wastes and toxic runoff
we are surely safe from disruptive floods until the end of our time

After all the wild grizzlies run out of places they can dominate alone
we will save just their genes, for they will not tolerate lives of captivity
After all the ice melts for good and seals always surface in open water
the polar bears can sit wasting away quietly on the shore for a while
After all the trout caught come dumped straight from hatchery trucks
all the remaining so-called anglers get all the adventure that they deserve

After all the jaguars lose their territories to slashing and burning urban refugees
it's simply pointless not to drain and settle the rest of their one-time jungle
After all the mountain valleys are accessible by wheelchairs, ATVs and dirt bikes
we really should bid out themed strip malls at the end of every trail
After all the songbirds have been mysteriously gone for many years
loud mufflers may be a comfort in a new and strange and uncomfortable silence

After all the frogs stop their friendly croaking during summer evenings
we will shortly realize that we never really needed them in any case
After all the coral reefs are bleached, dynamited and poisoned quite long ago
it is simply one less pointless eco-issue over which they will still have to argue
After all the small sanctuaries fill with roads and stores and homes
at least that mindless and frenetic pace of change must finally begin to slow

After all the resources have been plundered, transported and consumed
we will hand carry our water in a wasteland we are too poor to even try and heal
After all the snow that falls is simply lousy with fire retardants and such
we can scold our little children as they try to catch the flakes upon their tongues
After all the forests become simple assets on corporate balance sheets
they will finally begin to pay their way in freedom’s scheme of things

After all the costly giant hardwoods are cut down and hauled away
it then makes a lot of sense to simply slash and burn and grade the rest
After all the land is paved over and plotted out by giant yellow caterpillars
the rains can wash our unchecked, oily residues straight into the streams
After all the quiet, unspoiled places fill with noise and smoke and litter
wackos can then search elsewhere for the peace that once filled the air
After all the wildlife is driven off, shot, burnt out or poisoned
the roaches, rats, mosquitoes and flies will remain behind to comfort us
After all the kids have brains full of lead and mercury and lungs full of diesel fumes
Welfare mothers need not worry that the rich have all of the advantages
After all the native plants are extinguished by rapacious invasive weeds
good old weak and thirsty, non-native bluegrass will seem like a damn fine thing

After all the factories are abandoned and their jobs sent overseas
who can still afford the cheaper imports at the new Wal*Mart right next door
After all the engineering is outsourced to geeky losers off in foreign lands
our poor children need not learn their stupid math or junky science anymore
After the only jobs are with the government and poverty is the norm
we will live as those far away had done before our jobs went over there

After all the smarter people simply give up on having children
who will pay for the schools and where will the teachers come from
After all the western highways offer corporate fast food every couple miles
we can marvel in sterile safely at the untamed beauty of the desert skies
After all the rivers carry only chemicals, grease, sewage and fertilizer for years
The times will be less contentious because no one will remember any different

After all the oil is gone and commerce comes grinding to a depressionary halt
it will then be quite pointless and far too late to lay the blame on politicians or Big Oil
After all of Africa casts off its racist, extractive, corrupt and colonial legacies
pigs will flutter off like puffy butterflies upon their newly-sprouted wings
After all our days are squandered and we haven't even had time to read our bills
we will saddle any generations yet to come with a heavy long-term debt from birth

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