Saturday, July 24, 2010

Breaking Ground Most Toxically

Breaking ground, creating jobs and making progress towards self-destruction
Clawing the face right off of the earth even though it has always nurtured and sustained us
Improving farmlands and meadows with apartments and convenience stores
Moving society nobly forward with bulldozers, graders and excavators
Buy out, build fast and cheap, sell them off quickly, then go do it somewhere else

Breaking ground, this phrase makes so much sense through and through
Shrubs and grasses bulldozed, trees chain-sawed and stumps dynamited
The very living soil abraded, punctured and crudely lacerated
Left open to bleed out without a second thought - into the already-polluted streams
Keep the fuck back now, this is how real men earn the beer that sustains them

Breaking ground it’s called, but it really breaks far more than that
Their belched smoke and noise pollution a mere byproduct of their rending
Their useless bluegrass merely an expensive and poisonous outdoor floor covering
The wastes they generate in so-called construction requires giant dumpsters
We use our big old 4WDs to get into the manly sty we create with our work

Smashing, shattering and breaking the ground so very apt given our lifestyle
The microbial web of life in the soil pulverized, scattered and lateralized
The ground, left naked to crack and gasp, beckons only to weeds and litter
This gospel of development a patriotic offshoot of our biblical interpretation
Take your whining, tree-hugging ass off and go try and live in them woods

Rending and ripping and tearing the ground takes noise and smoke and dust
No more homes for worms or bunnies and ain’t that just too goddamn bad
Our civilization is built upon this lawful and refined scorched earth policy
Then we break more ground for our pickled bodies in those pathetic caskets
How about this, maybe you should just get the fuck out, if you don’t like it

Turning the soil inside out, burying some litter and bringing in rolls of sod
Patriotically shattering the ecosystem with righteous, all-consuming greed
Breaking ground for the real estate speculators and corporate investors
Advancing society today via single-minded scheming to get rich by tomorrow
What the fuck you gonna’ do? Go off and live in some goddamn cave?

Tearing up and selling off the floodplains, fault zones and hurricane paths
Breaking ground on exciting new developments which all look just the same
Making flattened little squares on which the semis can plop the pre-fabs
Excreting sterile geometric wastelands and walking away with lots of money
Hiring the rough and tumble, calloused and hard-edged veterans of destruction

Saving money by cutting corners and burning and burying poisonous debris
Conquering, taming, subduing, subdividing into pathetic uniform little cells
Breaking ground in a struggle to grow rich which destroys that which had sustained us
Consecrating in our dirty clothes with wrappers, power tools and loud radios
Get out of the way or we’ll fuck you up for there’s men's work to be done here

Making ongoing, licensed, protected and sanctified war against the earth
The cunningly greedy hire the hapless Orcs to do their evil, foolish bidding
Breaking ground for the future and leaving vast wastelands for your children
Waltzing off with the big bucks to a life of tasteless, strip-mined so-called luxury
After all what are you going to do, because that’s just how progress works

Proudly pointing to jobs created for those you call the salt of the earth
Breaking ground and sipping a champagne where elk pastures disappear
Buying another ranch sold off due to taxes driven up by their speculative hype
Standing up for hands-off, local control as you move on in and buy them out
Get out of the way, this here is private property and we got a job to do

Breaking ground and overwhelming the small voice in the backs of our heads
Drawing up fairytale artist’s conceptions and surveying with Nazi precision
Calling on the hung-over to do the dirty work and checking on their progress
Corralling investors, paying off officials and complaining about government interference
We need these jobs so just you stay back away from this here equipment

Noisily fucking shit up as a bizarre Country-Western god smiles thru the dust
Sleeping well at night as a far-sighted pillar of the new west community
Breaking ground for more useless second-homes leveraged as investments
Step aside of the excavator as our illegal workers enforce traditional values
We’re looking for an excuse to violence and it may as well be a treehugger

Wise out-of-state developers will bring us local control, jobs and progress at long last
Breaking ground with all the pride taken in a Weapon of Mass Destruction
Cashing in on their major selling points even while destroying them, and then moving on
Looking back with pity on the sad state of your once-proud droppings
I drive this truck 70 miles a day cause I cain’t afford to live where I work

Crudely joking and laughing hoarsely to fill the long and empty working days
Driving potential buyers around and remembering their names all afternoon
Moving our country forward as a bloody but flag-draped jesus nods and points the ways
Let the stupid tree huggers come in later with their sissy shrubs and flowers
Hey, listen, we just don’t give a fuck where this runoff goes

Breaking ground in an ideal realization of our very best from deep down inside
Breaking ground as it grows ever hotter, dustier, noisier and more senseless
Bless us oh lord for these thy gifts which we are about to crudely mutilate in thy name
A few more of these developments and maybe even a Wal*Mart will come in, too
But there’ll be no one to break more ground in far less than a million years

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