Saturday, July 17, 2010

Our Progress Did All This To You

When you see brutal machinery gouging up the gentle land you once knew
We did this without so much as a passing thought about you

When your ears hurt from the noise and your nose burns from the stench
We drove casually by and did this to you without the slightest pretense

When the rain does not fall and the sun is too hot and it feels too crowded
We did this and We needed no help to get it all started

When the water is dirty and grows ever scarcer
We did this with kindness and you need not fear, sir

When you cast out any others at all different from you
We did this and they, our cloned brothers, were not just a few

When you soil your nests and move on without a care
We did our duty and squatted in relief before you ever got there

When you stole from your children the life from the land
We did them a favor and steadied your greedy hand

When all you can think of is escape to mass media hypnosis
We did this for you with love that you might learn via osmosis

When you sit alone behind your car's tinted windows, swallowing the smog
We did this that you all might be ground closer in their great gears and cogs

When your children learn nothing, take everything and return only scorn
We did my best to make them just like you since the day they were born

When you work for years just to be kicked away like sick old prostitutes
We did our part to import your cheap and disposable substitutes

When you used it once and flipped it away
We smiled at your bored children going off again to play

When you swilled fast food and dreamed of the days when you were slim
We laughed as you were driving your car to the gym

When you bought your new clothes for the thrill of their bright colors
We did this so that you would not notice that your life grew ever duller

When you financed new vehicles and drove around on your phone
We helped you to think that your life was your own

When you mortgaged your future to spend more today
We fooled you into thinking you’d never have to pay

When you babbled alone to your cellphone in a crowd
We reported this as well, although not quite as loud

When you always spent more and never kept anything aside
We did this so that you would have nothing to look back on with pride

When you bought all the dreams that conglomerates were pitching
We did this counting softly, laughing, not bitching

When you smoked and you drank and you ate your rich food
We wrote songs to sell you things by shaping your attitude

When you took pride in your ignorance of the ways of your brothers
We saw why you had appointed yourselves to lead all the others

When you tried to look back and make sense of your time
We did what We could to hide these empty things from your mind

When your eyes began to fail you and you could no longer touch your toes
We did this with you but you will remain very much alone

When you thought you had mastered this life and all of its fears
We smiled as you finally tried to look deeper than into a mirror

When you planned romantic adventures for your golden years
We saw someone’s life ending in embarrassment and irrational fears

When you envisioned a time in which you grew old with grace
We smell your stale bedpans in an inhuman place

When you at last sat alone and planned a death with true dignity
We see it in millions and chuckle at the absurdity

When you finally saw these few things that others let slip
We mumbled this sadly through your barely moving lips

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