Monday, July 26, 2010

Bleeding Heart Coward

I changed my opinion on another important issue again, not too very long ago
I think I might be a gutless wonder who would have us blindly cut and run
Flag burning does not upset me as much as I know in my heart that it should
For some shameful reason, gay marriage does not loom large on my radar

I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit so I probably don’t think quite straight
Sipping green tea instead of Big Gulps has destroyed my masculinity
My hybrid seems real quiet and I don’t even want a hotrod muffler to crank it up
I never even thought of not paying off my credit card bill on time every month

The mere noise of our putative progress perturbs my squishy thinking
I don’t even own a single gasoline-powered form of so-called outdoor recreation
I admit I waste my time, space and energy trying to help out - by foolishly recycling
I really haven’t searched much, at all, for my very own personal Savior to accept

I want people to be nicer to the cows and pigs, but abortion does not inspire me
I foolishly spend more on food marked organic, whatever that word might mean
I suffer from these fantasies about slashing money from our dEfense budget
It even seems to me a tiny hatchback carries groceries more easily than a giant pickup

I often find it difficult to stand by old decisions when I am faced with newer facts
I just can’t escape the delusion that I really don’t have any choice in healthcare
I don’t celebrate my freedom by blowing up things built just to make a lot of bright noise
I, too, interpret my resigned silence as a sign of contemptibly weak and passive acceptance

I often must suspend belief and cannot make a decision due to lack of certainty
I am too frightened to go and kill civilians or be killed by invisible terrorists
Sometimes I get wishy-washy and confused over which one true god is on whose side
I am more concerned with clean air and water than the ten commandments

My thinking has grown fuzzy from considering too many facts and opinions
I guess I really cannot do the math because I can’t ignore so many variables
The pointless carnage makes me ill but still, I’d like for us to see the dead from both sides
I am willing to give them birth control rather than building outsourced prisons

I’m not fat or hypertensive and maybe that’s why I don’t hate the heathens
I don’t happen to believe that a sustainable lifestyle is a threat to my testosterone level
I often try to get out of the way of other drivers who seem to be in a real hurry
I am happy to put the old and/or discontinued back into useful service

I flip-flop among relativistic versions of the everlasting truth
I whimper with trepidation that my beliefs are not handed down from their heaven
I am afraid to chainsaw the remaining forests and drain off all the unproductive wetlands
I often waste time fretting foolishly about overpopulation and habitat destruction

I fear the smart bullets of the men with laser helmets and heavy combat boots
I’m not sure why, but I think I might have reason to worry over my loss of privacy
Quite often I prefer lentil or pea soup to tortured factory beef
I find it difficult to take on evangelical conviction and hard to believe official policy

NASCAR, pro football and Harleys are not among my entertainment favorites
I do not celebrate my newest leased car with overpriced drinks and dinner
I admit that I think it’s just wrong to spend more on weapons than all the other lands combined
I’m not looking for a place in any cemetery much less the honor of Arlington

Suits and ties and project plans and corporate policies seem vainly-artificial to me
I’m frightened of drilling out what oil remains before finding any alternative
I’m too timid and bleeding heart for this Shock&Awe business of preemptive dEfense
Non-point pollution sources like huge parking lots are among the silly concerns of mine

I just don’t see those great new jobs replacing all the off-shored for bonuses positions
I wonder about kids who do not learn, yet do not have time to be children
I wish I, too, could let go of the boreal toads, spotted owls and snail darters
I take little pride in our military strength and do not wish to be the world’s sheriff

I admire dedicated nurses and firefighters but lack trust for greedy developers and lobbyists
I have a recurring vision of an oncoming dark age, should we even survive our merry way there
I lack the stomach for dropping laser-guided bombs on targets I only see on a touchscreen
I am a coward but I would grab a torch and pitchfork to help hang the lawyers

I am against twisting and silencing science to suit a profit-driven, donor industry agenda
My regime would not encourage gambling, subsidize tobacco or promote guzzling gasoline
Foolishly, I worry more about our methods and effects than grabbing all I can, as fast as I can
Timidly from beneath a rock I squeak weakly at the thunderous passing herd

They laugh at me from their SUVs in my beat up old japanese economy car
The clerks shake their heads in disbelief as we reuse tattered grocery bags
I am afraid to refinance my credit card with the vaporous equity from my home
As they say, my squishy agenda has little benefit but costs lots of jobs and far too much money

The trucks downshift noisily and blow smoke as they sneeringly blow by me on my bicycle
Whole families laugh when they make the waves that rock our small canoes
Sadly, it makes no sense to me to drive a 3 ton diesel over to the mall
A small shrill inner voice keeps telling me that Ethanol won’t really help us at all

I selfishly fear for my own rights as we deal with those unlawful combatants
Shortsightedly, I detest abandoned mining sites that resemble old war zones
I catch myself chuckling over this whole Traditional Family Values ad campaign
Why, I even waste time fretting over disappearing frogs and the loss of our songbirds

I foolishly ask what will Jesus say when we leave behind only debts and destruction
They brush me back with their cars as I wimpily walk alongside their roads
I suffer a delusion that agricultural conglomerates are really not our good stewards
They pity us for cashing in those coupons and then cooking meals at home

I whisper that free enterprise need not just reduce to a greed-centric Social Darwinism
I squeak that human numbers far exceed capacity and will soon be corrected naturally
I fear that I would lose my mind should I entrust my soul to Jesus
I waste time poring over maps and considering faroff places that I may never visit

Marketeers despise us and quickly write us off in front of their esteemed investors
I have foolishly determined not to pay a penny to any oily funeral home director
I talk about my economic better’s behind their backs because they do not look me in the eye
Alas, those repeatedly manicured, watered, fertilized & poisoned lawns seem a silly waste of time

I shamefully admit I prefer a short walk rather than a long ride on a noisy ATV
I waste time taking a deep breath with my eyes closed, listening to the gentle rain
I would need powerful drugs to make cookie-cutter convenience stores look like progress
My sandals look weak and stupid but they keep my feet cool & healthy in the summer

I do not share the hate and fear of those whose lands my fellow citizens cannot even find on a map
Sadly, I won’t be charging a facelift, getting botoxed or painting over all my gray
Salads and cereals fill my timid stomach just as well as tubed hamburg and hydrolyzed chips
I suffer a delusion that animals have as many rights and as much soul as, we the people

We remain at home on weekends as others grimly pursue their angry wreckreation
I wander the roadless lands that they contend are inaccessible and non-productive
We are the despised deadbeats who pay off their credit cards every month
Timidly, I second-guess the policies I quietly did not support in the first place

My whispered mention of the single payer healthcare system is derided in their scripted debates
The evocative cry of a wild loon means more to me than some wack cell ringtone
Our reality shows involve nature and science and not witless attention seekers
I waste time making my own bread instead of drinking their soul-free corporate beer

Laughably, I even lament the noise of our progress that forces us to all this shouting
Unbelievably, I would actually take the time and effort to bring back the stars in the night sky
Though quite properly ignored, I suggest that our 2 party system is not constitutionally enshrined
They quickly warn of jobs and money when I mention the mercury in all of our waters & kid’s brains

Childishly I pray for a certain morality to somehow infuse the enshrined greed that drives us
I even support global treaties on chemical warfare, land mines and kid’s rights that we rejected
I am a yellow quitter who never supported our pre-emptive defensive war of liberation
My half-baked ideals blind me to man’s real nature and would put good families at grave risk

I quietly mention a flat tax on emissions to the terrible scorn of tougher citizens
I actually care what my direct ancestors, the Europeans, think of us - Now isn’t that a joke
Softly, and in Spanish, I say to them you should learn to speak English if you live in this country
So you see, as a true bleeding heart coward, I conspire to a squishy & expensive socialist agenda

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