Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Fekin’ Tree Hugger

Them trees ain’t making too much goddamn noise in the middle of the night
Don’t see them throwing butts and cans and papers all over on the ground
Not burning any fossil fuels just for fun or even for shortsighted profits
Haven’t exported any factory jobs to Malaysia as far as I can make it out

They don’t push no phony, lying rationalizations about the agenda they pursue
Don’t see it as jobs and people versus some useless, sissy, squishy environment
You won’t see them rendering all the places where they grow unfit for other life forms
Have enough sense to shelter, shade and filter the water of the rivers and the streams

Will not hire pandering lobbyists and whoring lawyers to push their greedy, shortsighted agendas
Cannot fathom the acid that’s now in the rain for which they raise their limbs to gather
Ain’t dropping more ignorant and wasteful offspring with plastic Jesus’ blessing
Haven’t caused mass extinction or global warming in their survival struggles

Fekin’ trees are so damn quiet, maybe that’s why we just cain’t trust them
Don’t whine about discrimination when they get chainsawed and bulldozed
Humbly take in our CO2 wastes and give off the oxygen that we breathe
Don’t need no expensive pollution control equipment or intrusive federal regulation

Naturally thin themselves out when they get too thick to thrive
Never made up even one of them bullshit fantasies and called it a religion
Give it up to forest fires to enrich the soil and restart their grand succession
Ain’t a greedy developer among them who gladly trades sustaining habitat for dollars

Don’t have to make no spiritual search because grace is innately of their essence
Dignified without pretension even when slashed and burned and dragged away
Never filled with pride, anger, frustration or, intoxicating beverages
Won’t be caught dumping toxic wastes and then declaring bankruptcy

Ain’t never been accused of financing their survival struggle with unpaid credit cards
Don’t have to leave a place after a while because they have fouled it so badly
Won’t belittle our puny efforts or cast us as girlish, weak and liberal
Cannot invent and do not believe but are able to adapt slowly with a steady grace

Struggle hard to survive without any false sense of privilege or righteousness
Don’t have no phony souls to lose to superstition, hate or lust or war
Never get drunk and loud and have to wake up sick and guilty
Don’t waste more than they save or take more than they can give

Can’t even dump shit all over the ground and then just waltz on off
Don’t profit from the mooching songbirds who live off them without paying any rent
Haven’t heard them whining for subsidies while preaching about free trade
Probably be around yet another 65 million years, once we're gone again

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