Thursday, July 29, 2010

Let Their Children's Children Decide

let your children's children's children decide who was now right or dead wrong -
should they ever be born and learn to read, should they even grow up

ask them what it is like in the land that we carved up from coast to rich coast
get their opinion on our furiously confusing petroleum-powered lifestyle

poll them about what we did when all the fish were gone or poisoned
listen to what they say of the animals they know of only in books and zoos

discuss with them the agricultural contamination they congenitally inherited
talk about toxic landfills also filled with half eaten foods and tons of recyclables

question them over paying off your credit card by refinancing your home
prompt them about ignoring the increasingly hot, dry and windy weather

feel them out about the green revolution and the value of large human numbers
probe them concerning their legacy from the turn of the 21st Century

listen to their bewilderment regarding our runaway military spending
ask them which are the lands of the free and where the brave actually lived

have them detail consumerism's contribution to our legacy for humanity
have them name one media event that millions of you sat haplessly glued to every week

get them to list out the issues we knew and ignored which now plague them every day
let them judge us only on our actions, should they suspect our motives

determine if they find us quaint but levelheaded or foolish and short-sighted
find out if they still emphasize expensive form over boring substance

ask them about the wisdom of our nationalistic intolerance
get their opinion about the cheap fast foods that we grazed upon into a proud obesity

poll them about our exterminating the smiling chimps and the quiet orangs
listen to what they say about the birds they can only hear now in old recordings

discuss with them the toxic runoff our pavements dumped into their channelized rivers
talk about the plastic litter we casually tossed that they still find everywhere they go

question them over the wisdom of leasing a new gas-guzzler every second year
prompt them about ignoring the heavy metals & coal-fired mercury in a mother seals milk

feel them out about our policy of righteous and reactionary, preemptive exceptionism
probe their feelings about what we did for so long to the cows, pigs and chickens

listen to their questions about how corporations took over the government
ask them to name the countries that they can actually admire from our times

get them to list all the ways our political religious right has blessed their lives
have them name a scientist and one corporate leader that lived among us

have them list out the benefits of an ever-increasing world population
let them judge us by our legacies should they have forgotten our empty rhetoric

determine if they still feel that abortion really is an overriding and very public issue
find out if they think we left them a chance to have at least what we had

ask them what those we called conservatives actually preserved for them
get their opinion on the affects of global aquaculture methodology

poll them about the brains of cetaceans and our killing them in the name of canned tuna
listen to what they have experienced with regard to the climate change we scoffed so hard

discuss with them the state of the lands left to them by our conglomerate farming
talk to them about the wisdom of subsidizing the export of our manufacturing

question them on the enduring vision of real estate salesmen and land developers
prompt them about the consequences of ignoring where your food is coming from

feel them out regarding what decisions god should make in a proper government
probe their feelings about which creatures actually possess real souls

listen to their questions about the ratio of paid lobbyists to politicians
ask them why we always spent more on dEfense than all the others put together

get them to list all the benefits of putting a plastic flag decal on an imported car
have them name some old multinationals that inspire their admiration

have them list out the benefits of corporate medicine over family doctors
maybe they can judge our actions not on what remains but by our perceived benefits

determine if they feel that we just stood by as millions died of non-profitable diseases
find out what they hold in honor and see if we used it in our marketing

let any surviving children decide and whoever writes the history be our judges
for we are not about to be stopped in this, our own righteous pursuit of individual happiness

Dear Leaders - Speak For Yourselves

Quit just reading off the video monitor for once and listen to yourself
Dump the prepared text that you did not write and don’t understand
Stop parroting memorized answers to scripted softball questions
Speak for yourselves, you flashy little charlatan’s puppets

Get off of the message they have paid your handlers to have you preach
Quit letting them use information for power and control through your office
Stop with the phony excuses about not commenting on ongoing investigations
Write your own fracking speeches or don’t bother speaking at all

Fire your pathetic spokesman and answer some real questions yourself
Stop endlessly babbling the sound bites made up by contract sloganeers
Don’t quote the drivel they made up for your appointees as if it were gospel
After every speech at least give credit and thanks to the writer, by name

Stop starring in marketeers campaigns aimed at firming up the poll numbers
Quit letting them plant leaks that they then tell you to neither confirm nor deny
Don’t remain deliberately ignorant in order to innocently spread disinformation
Answer some real questions without the aid of a teleprompter

Enough of starring as a fictional character just to disseminate their propaganda
Give up the preaching tones that helped you overcome substance abuse
Be able to understand it, pronounce it and spell it or simply don’t say it
Don’t take more phony applause for stirring phrases you did not make up

Quit talking like you know these people you just met five minutes ago
Stop memorizing those lists of slogans, homilies and catch phrases
Enough of winking out watchwords and code talk on queue
Drop the mealy-mouthed intonation that ‘God Bless America’ completely

Step out from behind the image they push of you to make the poll numbers
Speak for yourself to real reporters in unstaged press conferences
Don’t think that staying on message somehow turns bullshit turn into truth
Quit sounding so stupid just because that was the way they explained it to you

Stop going before controlled audiences who cheer and wave upon queue
Take time out from talking with jesus to come up with a speech of your own
Quit letting them make you up, pick out your tie and warm up the crowd
Speak for yourself to the people instead of to the camera for your sponsors

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Consecrated Religious Nonsense

I do not spring from biblical ashes and I will not fly up to be with some 34 virgins
No god of man has created me and all your books are but outdated fairy tales
The necessary faith you replace with dogma serves only to assuage your fears

I do not worry that my death is permanent and that not a trace of me remains
Your pabulum cannot nourish me with its artificial and phantasmal ingredients
You talk with your personal savior but I cannot hear the voices in your head

You take power by perverting whatever wisdom your dusty prophets left behind
Your vengeful, jealous, wrathful witchcraft cannot harm me if I will not believe
I must simply and politely say all your organized religions morph into forms of control

I do not descend from the incestuous bonds of the offspring of Adam and Eve
Jesus and Mohammed gained fame from martyrdom and early death like rock stars
Wily con men have since drained money and power from their fame for centuries

Employees of the catholic church are forced to wisdom via unnatural practices
What churlish god decrees that men grow beards and women cover up their faces
Explain to children why a god’s name is inscribed upon your nuclear weapons

Such gods would smile and send me straight to hell from their so-called heavens
What twisted father would send his faithful son off strapped up with explosives
What sick and vain faith holds human life as sacred but decrees that animals have no souls

What is the message when the competing one true faiths battle for control
You ought to be taxed heavily and have your toxic franchise emissions regulated
Your founders told wondrous stories now twisted by the clergy for its selfish needs

You prey upon the ignorant, poor and fearful, greedily co-opting their honest need to faith
Your calls to Jihad in god’s holy name would earn you hell, if only it existed
The dusty books and embellished translations are tried and true sales tools

Why does your god demand subjects live like pigs but build him wondrous temples
Acceptance of any literalist religious dogma is a sad and pathetic copping out
It must be fine to explain one’s thoughts and fears with extensible make believe

How convenient it is to invoke god’s mysterious will to quiet and to rationalize
What a brilliant stroke to let god’s self-appointed representatives also govern
How hypocritical to teach that god is love while spreading hatred of the infidels

Faith based on revealed truth is moral, ethical and intellectual cowardice
May the scowling mullahs dark broodings be lost forever to the background noise
Billions of personal saviors prattle endlessly trying to hide the onrushing void

You hold up as the very devil other faiths with objectives identical to your own
You ought to be tried for fraud, negligence and crimes against humanity
All of your grand temples should be turned into useful schools and hospitals

You perversely co-opt our need of faith into a means to gain power and control
No god speaks through you and the authority you grant yourself through ‘Him’ is bogus
Your interpretations of the actions of your fantasy characters are comical at best

Omnipotent gods balancing our sins and virtues are really quite amusing concepts
There is nothing behind your pomp and smoke or your ceremony and circumstance
That different true gods set us upon each other means we have all gotten it very wrong

You immerse yourselves in the minutiae of your make-believe to hide from real issues
The multi-generational delusion is quite seamless, but only when viewed from the inside
You speak in musty dialects that we might more easily accept divine ventriloquism

You have built competing empires off human fears and insecurity of the unknown
All your writings and monuments will disappear in less than one geologic epoch
By what right do you dangle so-called truth, revealed to others as bait for your prey

Let us strip them, shave their heads and toss them all together to see they are all the same
Make them read legal disclaimers as any normal pitchman must
Have them print the dangerous side-effects and unwanted symptoms they produce

Teach the children their flaws and fallacies as well as of their value propositions
Let them have their gods strike me dead and prove that ‘He’ has done it
Teach the dangers of blind faith in politics and religion in equal measure

Force the self-appointed spokesmen into endless debates among themselves
Grant them that god exists but make them prove that he has a ‘Word’
Rate them like mutual funds, rank them by their assets and absurdity of beliefs

Combat them with comedy and satire, reason, logic and broad education
Question their authority, make plain their assumptions and criticize their dogma
I ask them merely to explain events in a way that makes any real sense today

Let Us So Virtuously Abide

and so my dear brothers let us go forth to pollute and to destroy
let us slash and let us burn, let us shop and let us drive giant vehicles all alone
let us consume without care for time everlasting, amen
let us worry not for tomorrow nor for any affairs of the future

yes, my dear brothers let us despoil, let us ruin
let us propagate our own and teach them our ways
and woe unto him who would speak a word to oppose us

verily, my dear brothers, the One True God we have created remains upon our side
let us use him to retain a strict certitude in all of our decisions
go forth my brothers, may you remain ever righteous and angry
and see only what you will in just the way you wish to see it

let us despoil and waste and remain blissfully unaware
let us ignore and rationalize, cast blind eyes and turn deaf ears
let us have no regrets and fear no retribution
let us sow wide aspersions and offend quickly at the smallest slight

let us take dominion over the plants and the animals, the water and the air
let us foul and move on, defile and leave, waste and cynically smirk
let us take our jet skis upon the water, our ATVs over the land,
our snowmobiles on the snow and our SUVs upon the highways

let us call upon the strength and morality
of the forefathers we do not know
let us extol the glories and seek guidance from
the history that we have no need to study

let us contend that our self-centered actions are necessary
for those future generations whose potentials we daily shrink
let us extol our virtues and beat upon our chests
let us trumpet those same self-evidences time and time again

let us be kind to the foreigners though they be simple and abide in darkness
remembering always that we only obey the higher authority we have created
let us reach out our hands for subsidies and dole out expensive favors
while reminding the less fortunate of their personal responsibilities

let us slickly repackage issues into sound bites using clever slogans
but demand concrete certitude of scientists before taking any action
oh, yes, my dear brothers let us recite these catechisms as one
yes, and those who are not with us are most surely our enemies

let us ape and let us parrot, let us not see lest we shame
let us take for ourselves and preach to others of the Golden Rule

Monday, July 26, 2010

If That Next War Also Cannot Be Avoided

if the next war simply cannot be avoided
then, indeed it has been well marketed and sold

if the people will not accept a war
then it must have been wisely circumvented

if the allies do not support a war
then its packaging must be slicker for those in the homeland

if the enemy continues its hostile non-aggression
preemptive defensive strikes may just set things right

if the causes of a war do not really effect the peoples lives
doctored versions of the truth might just suffice

if the young rush like violent lemmings for a chance to kill and die
they are deemed valiant, patriotic and wise before their time

if the youth should question decisions that risk their very lives
they are but callow and foolish cowards, lacking in maturity

if the war is conducted from the air and enemies die in these video games
the people will not escape crude violence in their very homes

if the country is in a time of only sluggish growth
history shows that wars breathe new life into business and commerce

if the government faces vexing issues on the domestic front
ginning up external enemies might just freeze the opposition for a while

if a people swallow all their news spun into sound bites mouthed cleverly by spin doctors
they can be spared the horror of uncertainty and the even worse pain of thinking

if a war can be packaged slickly by smooth spokesmen in the homeland
those in charge can conduct a clean and corporate-like campaign

if a war comes to pass and security becomes an issue
the people can be lied to and spied upon in secret without a second thought

if the war machine demands it
resources from all places sacred and profane must be laid down before it

if the soldiers come home crippled and unable to adjust
they may be warehoused and hidden until they are forgotten

if we attack a place a third of our people cannot find upon a map
then have we, just perhaps, grown lazy, careless, stupid and quite foolish

if God directs us to spend staggering sums against some faceless enemy
it becomes easier to stand by while millions die quietly of neglected diseases

if a war requires well-planned military as well as marketing campaigns
certainly any given opponent can be demonized as a group of child-eating heathens

if those who kill from far above by pushing buttons are hailed as heroes
maybe we should ask - To what end our sanity has been forsaken?

if a suicidal enemy strikes without an army at quietly sleeping people
perhaps it's time to actually look for the source of this evil

if events on the ground do not follow the script we have set have set so boldly forth
we can continue with our own parts and the audience may not know, for a while

if the press should immorally dwell upon the killing, maiming and destruction
we can fabricate our own dispatches and pay to have them printed

if it is said that a war can be paid for with the resources of the conquered land
it is easy to ignore all the other enemies who possess nothing that we need

if we can make up a policy to hide the dead and obscure the grisly details
it will make it easier to call for sharp increases to already unimaginable defense funding

if we frame the debate as strong heroes against backsliding cowards
domestic opposition will be reduced to the stuttering of the marginalized

if we continuously label a universally deplored invasion as a great liberation
all of our propaganda will echo with freedom’s brave, true ring

if we consistently forge a non-existent link between our goals and terrorism
the polls will indicate their rising acceptance of our works of political fiction

if our campaign is ill-conceived, poorly-executed and bogs us down in civil war
to surrender would betray the honor of all of those we have foolishly sacrificed so far...

Bleeding Heart Coward

I changed my opinion on another important issue again, not too very long ago
I think I might be a gutless wonder who would have us blindly cut and run
Flag burning does not upset me as much as I know in my heart that it should
For some shameful reason, gay marriage does not loom large on my radar

I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit so I probably don’t think quite straight
Sipping green tea instead of Big Gulps has destroyed my masculinity
My hybrid seems real quiet and I don’t even want a hotrod muffler to crank it up
I never even thought of not paying off my credit card bill on time every month

The mere noise of our putative progress perturbs my squishy thinking
I don’t even own a single gasoline-powered form of so-called outdoor recreation
I admit I waste my time, space and energy trying to help out - by foolishly recycling
I really haven’t searched much, at all, for my very own personal Savior to accept

I want people to be nicer to the cows and pigs, but abortion does not inspire me
I foolishly spend more on food marked organic, whatever that word might mean
I suffer from these fantasies about slashing money from our dEfense budget
It even seems to me a tiny hatchback carries groceries more easily than a giant pickup

I often find it difficult to stand by old decisions when I am faced with newer facts
I just can’t escape the delusion that I really don’t have any choice in healthcare
I don’t celebrate my freedom by blowing up things built just to make a lot of bright noise
I, too, interpret my resigned silence as a sign of contemptibly weak and passive acceptance

I often must suspend belief and cannot make a decision due to lack of certainty
I am too frightened to go and kill civilians or be killed by invisible terrorists
Sometimes I get wishy-washy and confused over which one true god is on whose side
I am more concerned with clean air and water than the ten commandments

My thinking has grown fuzzy from considering too many facts and opinions
I guess I really cannot do the math because I can’t ignore so many variables
The pointless carnage makes me ill but still, I’d like for us to see the dead from both sides
I am willing to give them birth control rather than building outsourced prisons

I’m not fat or hypertensive and maybe that’s why I don’t hate the heathens
I don’t happen to believe that a sustainable lifestyle is a threat to my testosterone level
I often try to get out of the way of other drivers who seem to be in a real hurry
I am happy to put the old and/or discontinued back into useful service

I flip-flop among relativistic versions of the everlasting truth
I whimper with trepidation that my beliefs are not handed down from their heaven
I am afraid to chainsaw the remaining forests and drain off all the unproductive wetlands
I often waste time fretting foolishly about overpopulation and habitat destruction

I fear the smart bullets of the men with laser helmets and heavy combat boots
I’m not sure why, but I think I might have reason to worry over my loss of privacy
Quite often I prefer lentil or pea soup to tortured factory beef
I find it difficult to take on evangelical conviction and hard to believe official policy

NASCAR, pro football and Harleys are not among my entertainment favorites
I do not celebrate my newest leased car with overpriced drinks and dinner
I admit that I think it’s just wrong to spend more on weapons than all the other lands combined
I’m not looking for a place in any cemetery much less the honor of Arlington

Suits and ties and project plans and corporate policies seem vainly-artificial to me
I’m frightened of drilling out what oil remains before finding any alternative
I’m too timid and bleeding heart for this Shock&Awe business of preemptive dEfense
Non-point pollution sources like huge parking lots are among the silly concerns of mine

I just don’t see those great new jobs replacing all the off-shored for bonuses positions
I wonder about kids who do not learn, yet do not have time to be children
I wish I, too, could let go of the boreal toads, spotted owls and snail darters
I take little pride in our military strength and do not wish to be the world’s sheriff

I admire dedicated nurses and firefighters but lack trust for greedy developers and lobbyists
I have a recurring vision of an oncoming dark age, should we even survive our merry way there
I lack the stomach for dropping laser-guided bombs on targets I only see on a touchscreen
I am a coward but I would grab a torch and pitchfork to help hang the lawyers

I am against twisting and silencing science to suit a profit-driven, donor industry agenda
My regime would not encourage gambling, subsidize tobacco or promote guzzling gasoline
Foolishly, I worry more about our methods and effects than grabbing all I can, as fast as I can
Timidly from beneath a rock I squeak weakly at the thunderous passing herd

They laugh at me from their SUVs in my beat up old japanese economy car
The clerks shake their heads in disbelief as we reuse tattered grocery bags
I am afraid to refinance my credit card with the vaporous equity from my home
As they say, my squishy agenda has little benefit but costs lots of jobs and far too much money

The trucks downshift noisily and blow smoke as they sneeringly blow by me on my bicycle
Whole families laugh when they make the waves that rock our small canoes
Sadly, it makes no sense to me to drive a 3 ton diesel over to the mall
A small shrill inner voice keeps telling me that Ethanol won’t really help us at all

I selfishly fear for my own rights as we deal with those unlawful combatants
Shortsightedly, I detest abandoned mining sites that resemble old war zones
I catch myself chuckling over this whole Traditional Family Values ad campaign
Why, I even waste time fretting over disappearing frogs and the loss of our songbirds

I foolishly ask what will Jesus say when we leave behind only debts and destruction
They brush me back with their cars as I wimpily walk alongside their roads
I suffer a delusion that agricultural conglomerates are really not our good stewards
They pity us for cashing in those coupons and then cooking meals at home

I whisper that free enterprise need not just reduce to a greed-centric Social Darwinism
I squeak that human numbers far exceed capacity and will soon be corrected naturally
I fear that I would lose my mind should I entrust my soul to Jesus
I waste time poring over maps and considering faroff places that I may never visit

Marketeers despise us and quickly write us off in front of their esteemed investors
I have foolishly determined not to pay a penny to any oily funeral home director
I talk about my economic better’s behind their backs because they do not look me in the eye
Alas, those repeatedly manicured, watered, fertilized & poisoned lawns seem a silly waste of time

I shamefully admit I prefer a short walk rather than a long ride on a noisy ATV
I waste time taking a deep breath with my eyes closed, listening to the gentle rain
I would need powerful drugs to make cookie-cutter convenience stores look like progress
My sandals look weak and stupid but they keep my feet cool & healthy in the summer

I do not share the hate and fear of those whose lands my fellow citizens cannot even find on a map
Sadly, I won’t be charging a facelift, getting botoxed or painting over all my gray
Salads and cereals fill my timid stomach just as well as tubed hamburg and hydrolyzed chips
I suffer a delusion that animals have as many rights and as much soul as, we the people

We remain at home on weekends as others grimly pursue their angry wreckreation
I wander the roadless lands that they contend are inaccessible and non-productive
We are the despised deadbeats who pay off their credit cards every month
Timidly, I second-guess the policies I quietly did not support in the first place

My whispered mention of the single payer healthcare system is derided in their scripted debates
The evocative cry of a wild loon means more to me than some wack cell ringtone
Our reality shows involve nature and science and not witless attention seekers
I waste time making my own bread instead of drinking their soul-free corporate beer

Laughably, I even lament the noise of our progress that forces us to all this shouting
Unbelievably, I would actually take the time and effort to bring back the stars in the night sky
Though quite properly ignored, I suggest that our 2 party system is not constitutionally enshrined
They quickly warn of jobs and money when I mention the mercury in all of our waters & kid’s brains

Childishly I pray for a certain morality to somehow infuse the enshrined greed that drives us
I even support global treaties on chemical warfare, land mines and kid’s rights that we rejected
I am a yellow quitter who never supported our pre-emptive defensive war of liberation
My half-baked ideals blind me to man’s real nature and would put good families at grave risk

I quietly mention a flat tax on emissions to the terrible scorn of tougher citizens
I actually care what my direct ancestors, the Europeans, think of us - Now isn’t that a joke
Softly, and in Spanish, I say to them you should learn to speak English if you live in this country
So you see, as a true bleeding heart coward, I conspire to a squishy & expensive socialist agenda

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Breaking Ground Most Toxically

Breaking ground, creating jobs and making progress towards self-destruction
Clawing the face right off of the earth even though it has always nurtured and sustained us
Improving farmlands and meadows with apartments and convenience stores
Moving society nobly forward with bulldozers, graders and excavators
Buy out, build fast and cheap, sell them off quickly, then go do it somewhere else

Breaking ground, this phrase makes so much sense through and through
Shrubs and grasses bulldozed, trees chain-sawed and stumps dynamited
The very living soil abraded, punctured and crudely lacerated
Left open to bleed out without a second thought - into the already-polluted streams
Keep the fuck back now, this is how real men earn the beer that sustains them

Breaking ground it’s called, but it really breaks far more than that
Their belched smoke and noise pollution a mere byproduct of their rending
Their useless bluegrass merely an expensive and poisonous outdoor floor covering
The wastes they generate in so-called construction requires giant dumpsters
We use our big old 4WDs to get into the manly sty we create with our work

Smashing, shattering and breaking the ground so very apt given our lifestyle
The microbial web of life in the soil pulverized, scattered and lateralized
The ground, left naked to crack and gasp, beckons only to weeds and litter
This gospel of development a patriotic offshoot of our biblical interpretation
Take your whining, tree-hugging ass off and go try and live in them woods

Rending and ripping and tearing the ground takes noise and smoke and dust
No more homes for worms or bunnies and ain’t that just too goddamn bad
Our civilization is built upon this lawful and refined scorched earth policy
Then we break more ground for our pickled bodies in those pathetic caskets
How about this, maybe you should just get the fuck out, if you don’t like it

Turning the soil inside out, burying some litter and bringing in rolls of sod
Patriotically shattering the ecosystem with righteous, all-consuming greed
Breaking ground for the real estate speculators and corporate investors
Advancing society today via single-minded scheming to get rich by tomorrow
What the fuck you gonna’ do? Go off and live in some goddamn cave?

Tearing up and selling off the floodplains, fault zones and hurricane paths
Breaking ground on exciting new developments which all look just the same
Making flattened little squares on which the semis can plop the pre-fabs
Excreting sterile geometric wastelands and walking away with lots of money
Hiring the rough and tumble, calloused and hard-edged veterans of destruction

Saving money by cutting corners and burning and burying poisonous debris
Conquering, taming, subduing, subdividing into pathetic uniform little cells
Breaking ground in a struggle to grow rich which destroys that which had sustained us
Consecrating in our dirty clothes with wrappers, power tools and loud radios
Get out of the way or we’ll fuck you up for there’s men's work to be done here

Making ongoing, licensed, protected and sanctified war against the earth
The cunningly greedy hire the hapless Orcs to do their evil, foolish bidding
Breaking ground for the future and leaving vast wastelands for your children
Waltzing off with the big bucks to a life of tasteless, strip-mined so-called luxury
After all what are you going to do, because that’s just how progress works

Proudly pointing to jobs created for those you call the salt of the earth
Breaking ground and sipping a champagne where elk pastures disappear
Buying another ranch sold off due to taxes driven up by their speculative hype
Standing up for hands-off, local control as you move on in and buy them out
Get out of the way, this here is private property and we got a job to do

Breaking ground and overwhelming the small voice in the backs of our heads
Drawing up fairytale artist’s conceptions and surveying with Nazi precision
Calling on the hung-over to do the dirty work and checking on their progress
Corralling investors, paying off officials and complaining about government interference
We need these jobs so just you stay back away from this here equipment

Noisily fucking shit up as a bizarre Country-Western god smiles thru the dust
Sleeping well at night as a far-sighted pillar of the new west community
Breaking ground for more useless second-homes leveraged as investments
Step aside of the excavator as our illegal workers enforce traditional values
We’re looking for an excuse to violence and it may as well be a treehugger

Wise out-of-state developers will bring us local control, jobs and progress at long last
Breaking ground with all the pride taken in a Weapon of Mass Destruction
Cashing in on their major selling points even while destroying them, and then moving on
Looking back with pity on the sad state of your once-proud droppings
I drive this truck 70 miles a day cause I cain’t afford to live where I work

Crudely joking and laughing hoarsely to fill the long and empty working days
Driving potential buyers around and remembering their names all afternoon
Moving our country forward as a bloody but flag-draped jesus nods and points the ways
Let the stupid tree huggers come in later with their sissy shrubs and flowers
Hey, listen, we just don’t give a fuck where this runoff goes

Breaking ground in an ideal realization of our very best from deep down inside
Breaking ground as it grows ever hotter, dustier, noisier and more senseless
Bless us oh lord for these thy gifts which we are about to crudely mutilate in thy name
A few more of these developments and maybe even a Wal*Mart will come in, too
But there’ll be no one to break more ground in far less than a million years

Friday, July 23, 2010

I've Got Another Useless Meeting

I've got a meeting now so I can find out what they think the vendor said
so I will catch you later once we get the knife planted firmly in your backs
I'm headed to a meeting to get us all on the same page once again
I am a great communicating, over-complicating, facilitating whore
I'm all booked up with meetings now, so regretfully I can no longer do any real work
I report upon my meetings and we all stake out our positions going forward
I just came from a meeting and we must leap as if to some real action
your asses are all hanging out but I have heroically bought us a little time

I cannot let you go forward until after next week’s meeting
they want to get a consultant's take before they’ll be ready to commit
I called another meeting to re-review that which I will never understand
I must get my boss' sign-off or she could have my ass
I'm scheduling a meeting now because that is what I do so I can look as if I'm useful
I will adopt another's perspective but I can assure you that I remain on your side
I'm blocking out some time to meet about another topic about which I have no clue
So you must tell me what to tell my boss to tell the field to tell the customers

I'm late for my next meeting so I don't have time to discuss this issue
But I will ask around enough behind your back to parrot back some nonsense
I've got a ten o'clock right now that I can use to evade your probing questions
let's touch base again when I've had a chance to cover up my ass
I've got another overview review meeting, we still cannot get our story straight
once engineering dumbs it down enough, we can all get on the message
I'm off to a meeting, they all take precedence over what is on your mind
I will bring back your action items and our thoughts on moving forward

I'm preparing for this meeting, I must give a presentation
I am being stuffed with buzzwords which I can usually spell but not explain
I'm chairing a committee that will hold a set of meetings
the participants either already know the outcome or will never have a clue
I'm setting up a meeting between us and your offshore replacements
you will need to provide them training or you will get no severance
I'm sitting through another meeting, fighting to appear to be awake
I like to say I wish I still had time to get face-down in some real task

I'm going to present the results of another meeting to some department heads
they will distort this down to their direct reports and we will call it work
I'm lining up all the important players for a real brainstorming session
We’ll craft a co-operative solution that won’t satisfy any one of us, especially you
I’ve got a meeting right now but I will get back to you on this real soon
I’ll fill you in on the takeaway along with what they left upon your plates

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Where Does All That Stuff Go?

where does all our trash go after we take it out and quickly forget it
          where do the poisons come from that foul the precious groundwater
where does the smoke go from those great and roaring diesel trucks
          where could that asthma come from in such a cute and cuddly little child

where does our litter go as we drive thoughtlessly on away
          where do these smokers learn to toss their butts so carelessly upon the ground

where do the animals go when we bulldoze away their homes
          where does the pride originate which says we are masters of the earth

where do the blue skies go when the smog grows thick and dark
          where does the money come from to clean up our dirty nest
where does all that stuff go that we so quickly pour down our drains
          where does the water come from which we need to drink every day

where do those creatures go we see run over out on the highway
          where do all the rats and roaches come scuttling out from under

where do all these people go when they are no longer young
          where do these young folks come from who cannot read or write

where does the dirty water rush to when hard rains fall upon this dirty concrete
          where do those leopard frogs come from that have too many legs
where does the wind blow the sulfur belched from these coal-fired smokestacks
          where do the poisons come from that sicken our sweet maples

where do our dreams go when we glimpse things as they really are
          where do the nightmares come from which seize us by the throats
where do the chemicals and fertilizers go after the crops are harvested
          where does the bluegrass come from that only grows in our yards

where do our human wastes end up after we see them out and down
          where does the salmonella come from that makes us feel so sick

where does the oil go when it is washed from the pavement
          where do songbirds come from if their baby’s insect food hatches far too early

where does the glass go when their smashed liquor bottles are not picked up
          where do the perverts come from who make us feel so sick

where does the dust go when the great trucks lift it in the air
          where do the scientists come from who bother us with junk facts

where do the calves go who we see romping every spring
          where do those yummy burgers come from that we munch without a care
where do the bunnies go when there is no more soft green grass
          where do the foxes take off to when the bunnies are no more

where do the clouds of smoke go when we must finally look away
          where does the oily and littered dirt come from that grows by the highway

where does the rain go after it stops falling upon our rooftops
          where do the rivers come from to which we owe our lives

where does the innocence go whenever the true violence begins
          where do those angry expressions come from on our beloved sons
where does our reason go when we march on off to war
          where does that hatred come from which they feel so strongly for us

where do the leftovers go when we toss them away upon our plastic plates
          where do these extra pounds come from, it must be some mistake

where does the protective diversity go when all our crops have identical genes 
          where do all the hungry people come from in this, our land of plenty

where do our minds actually go as we sit idly flipping channels
          where do these desires come from to keep on buying newer products

where do the teachers go when they have had enough of the bullshit
          where do the nurses come from to replace the burned-out who have to quit

where do the executives go when they have gotten all their phony bonuses
          where does your money come from when you are laid off for good at 50

where do those invisible gases go that spew from our tailpipes
          where does the fuel come from that we guzzle without a thought

where do the polar bears go to hunt when all the ice has melted
          where does the food and water come from for the million born each day

where do those whose way of life does not destroy their world live today
          where does the sense of belonging come from for those who have no homes