Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dear Leaders - Speak For Yourselves

Quit just reading off the video monitor for once and listen to yourself
Dump the prepared text that you did not write and don’t understand
Stop parroting memorized answers to scripted softball questions
Speak for yourselves, you flashy little charlatan’s puppets

Get off of the message they have paid your handlers to have you preach
Quit letting them use information for power and control through your office
Stop with the phony excuses about not commenting on ongoing investigations
Write your own fracking speeches or don’t bother speaking at all

Fire your pathetic spokesman and answer some real questions yourself
Stop endlessly babbling the sound bites made up by contract sloganeers
Don’t quote the drivel they made up for your appointees as if it were gospel
After every speech at least give credit and thanks to the writer, by name

Stop starring in marketeers campaigns aimed at firming up the poll numbers
Quit letting them plant leaks that they then tell you to neither confirm nor deny
Don’t remain deliberately ignorant in order to innocently spread disinformation
Answer some real questions without the aid of a teleprompter

Enough of starring as a fictional character just to disseminate their propaganda
Give up the preaching tones that helped you overcome substance abuse
Be able to understand it, pronounce it and spell it or simply don’t say it
Don’t take more phony applause for stirring phrases you did not make up

Quit talking like you know these people you just met five minutes ago
Stop memorizing those lists of slogans, homilies and catch phrases
Enough of winking out watchwords and code talk on queue
Drop the mealy-mouthed intonation that ‘God Bless America’ completely

Step out from behind the image they push of you to make the poll numbers
Speak for yourself to real reporters in unstaged press conferences
Don’t think that staying on message somehow turns bullshit turn into truth
Quit sounding so stupid just because that was the way they explained it to you

Stop going before controlled audiences who cheer and wave upon queue
Take time out from talking with jesus to come up with a speech of your own
Quit letting them make you up, pick out your tie and warm up the crowd
Speak for yourself to the people instead of to the camera for your sponsors

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