Saturday, July 17, 2010

Shut the FUp

Maybe you could just shut the fuck up for a little while
Don’t drive by all the time in your noisy and infantile trucks
Cut off your pointless roaring lawnmower
Quit screaming and just shut the fuck up for a minute

Get your damn dog to stop barking all night long
Put that moronic Harley with the loud pipes away
Mute those vile commercials
Quiet down your precious airplanes

Just shut the fuck up for a minute and maybe even think
Quit yelling over the music
Stop braying for another beer
Put mufflers on the earthmovers

Don’t slam the goddamn door
Get your cell conversation out of my face
Don’t drive by with your trunk speakers blasting
Quit filling the scary silence with brainless chatter

Try not to make noise for a while without panicking
Don’t break up the quiet without a good reason
Turn down your amps so we can hear our headphones
Be aware enough to move silently instead of clip-clopping like a damn horse

Keep your spoiled kids muzzled down around other people
Really be quiet when you are out in the woods
hush that moronic speed boat you inconsiderate fool
Don’t modify that snowmobile muffler to go out into our forests

Nobody wants to hear you belching and farting
Quit trying to play the radio over your power tools
Turn off those shouting talkradio idiots
Stop taking turns trying to laugh the loudest

Turn it all off if you are not paying attention
Speak out against the roar of the jets
Get them to crack down on those half-witted semis
Have them collect taxes on all the noisemakers

Tell him to shut the fuck up if he is simply babbling
Don’t drag out endless meetings by just repeating bullshit
Quit talking when others are already speaking
Have enough sense to be very quiet early in the morning

Enough of exploding those useless fireworks just to make a lot of noise
Quit just accepting without a thought that all our shit is just naturally loud
Don’t play your car stereo against 3 others in a recreational parking lot
Once again ban turning up the broadcast volume during commercials

Stop shouting at me from way off somewhere else in the house
Be more considerate of others or start getting used to being roughed up
Quiet the air conditioner, redesign the refrigerator, silence the dishwasher
Quit pretending nobody else is around when you rant on your stupid cell

Make them pay more the louder they run the same hateful advertising
Quit getting all nervous when everything’s quiet and you hear yourself think
Stop mindlessly parroting the pre-digested sound bites that you have been fed
Shut the fuck up and let them keep talking faster as they get more nervous

Don’t talk so goddamn much and maybe someone will listen
Recognize freedom from irksome sounds as a traditional constitutional right
Don’t work in cube farms where they bathe you in electronic white noise
If you need to shout, it’s probably not a good time to bother talking

Realize that loud noise makes people even more angry and aggressive
Boycott any product advertised with fast and excited music & raised voices
Turn it up as much as you want as long as it’s just in your earplugs
Bring attention to yourself and get singled out by the predators

Quit loudly repeating lies and nonsense as a tactic to get them accepted as truth
Reject the canned arguments that it’s too expensive to build quiet machines
Shut the fuck up and maybe people will consider the value of your words
Stop trying to fill the great silence that has never been empty

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