Monday, July 5, 2010

Hey! After All, They Are Only Animals

They are only animals, force them to mass unclean in their own filthy waste
They are only animals, abuse them all if that is to your taste
For they are only animals under man's dominion, by our god’s grace

They are only animals, they do not need each other’s company
They are only animals, give them drugs and empty lives in cages
For they are only animals - far lesser things than we

They are only animals, without spirits needing to be free
They are only animals, so we can mass-produce them
For they are only animals, not our children, don't you see

They are only animals, take them from their kind
They are only animals, crowd them into feedlots
For they are only animals, they don't need peace of mind

They are only animals, let them die in factories
They are only animals, trust them to the big companies
For they are only animals, lacking our noble sensibilities

They are only animals, cut off their tusks and leave them lay
They are only animals, kill the babies too, before they can get away
For they are only animals, there really is nothing more to say

They are only animals, destroy their very habitat
They are only animals, make it warmer and see if they can take it
For they are only animals and that's about the end of that

They are only animals, foul their drinking water
They are only animals, cut down their forest homes
For they are only animals but we are following our Father

They are only animals, let them breed in zoos
They are only animals, maybe just preserve some DNA
For they are only animals, they have no way to refuse

They are only animals, skin them while still alive
They are only animals, put out poisoned traps
For they are only animals, and we humans must survive

They are only animals, they have no rights in court
They are only animals, not up to human standards
For they are only animals and lack morals of any sort

They are only animals, shrink wrap their meat in cellophane
They are only animals, grind the scraps to feed their babies
For they are only animals, feast upon their desecrated remains

And we are lowly animals without souls to steal away
And we are the lonely animals who have gone astray
For we too are all only animals despite all that we might say

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