Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Consecrated Religious Nonsense

I do not spring from biblical ashes and I will not fly up to be with some 34 virgins
No god of man has created me and all your books are but outdated fairy tales
The necessary faith you replace with dogma serves only to assuage your fears

I do not worry that my death is permanent and that not a trace of me remains
Your pabulum cannot nourish me with its artificial and phantasmal ingredients
You talk with your personal savior but I cannot hear the voices in your head

You take power by perverting whatever wisdom your dusty prophets left behind
Your vengeful, jealous, wrathful witchcraft cannot harm me if I will not believe
I must simply and politely say all your organized religions morph into forms of control

I do not descend from the incestuous bonds of the offspring of Adam and Eve
Jesus and Mohammed gained fame from martyrdom and early death like rock stars
Wily con men have since drained money and power from their fame for centuries

Employees of the catholic church are forced to wisdom via unnatural practices
What churlish god decrees that men grow beards and women cover up their faces
Explain to children why a god’s name is inscribed upon your nuclear weapons

Such gods would smile and send me straight to hell from their so-called heavens
What twisted father would send his faithful son off strapped up with explosives
What sick and vain faith holds human life as sacred but decrees that animals have no souls

What is the message when the competing one true faiths battle for control
You ought to be taxed heavily and have your toxic franchise emissions regulated
Your founders told wondrous stories now twisted by the clergy for its selfish needs

You prey upon the ignorant, poor and fearful, greedily co-opting their honest need to faith
Your calls to Jihad in god’s holy name would earn you hell, if only it existed
The dusty books and embellished translations are tried and true sales tools

Why does your god demand subjects live like pigs but build him wondrous temples
Acceptance of any literalist religious dogma is a sad and pathetic copping out
It must be fine to explain one’s thoughts and fears with extensible make believe

How convenient it is to invoke god’s mysterious will to quiet and to rationalize
What a brilliant stroke to let god’s self-appointed representatives also govern
How hypocritical to teach that god is love while spreading hatred of the infidels

Faith based on revealed truth is moral, ethical and intellectual cowardice
May the scowling mullahs dark broodings be lost forever to the background noise
Billions of personal saviors prattle endlessly trying to hide the onrushing void

You hold up as the very devil other faiths with objectives identical to your own
You ought to be tried for fraud, negligence and crimes against humanity
All of your grand temples should be turned into useful schools and hospitals

You perversely co-opt our need of faith into a means to gain power and control
No god speaks through you and the authority you grant yourself through ‘Him’ is bogus
Your interpretations of the actions of your fantasy characters are comical at best

Omnipotent gods balancing our sins and virtues are really quite amusing concepts
There is nothing behind your pomp and smoke or your ceremony and circumstance
That different true gods set us upon each other means we have all gotten it very wrong

You immerse yourselves in the minutiae of your make-believe to hide from real issues
The multi-generational delusion is quite seamless, but only when viewed from the inside
You speak in musty dialects that we might more easily accept divine ventriloquism

You have built competing empires off human fears and insecurity of the unknown
All your writings and monuments will disappear in less than one geologic epoch
By what right do you dangle so-called truth, revealed to others as bait for your prey

Let us strip them, shave their heads and toss them all together to see they are all the same
Make them read legal disclaimers as any normal pitchman must
Have them print the dangerous side-effects and unwanted symptoms they produce

Teach the children their flaws and fallacies as well as of their value propositions
Let them have their gods strike me dead and prove that ‘He’ has done it
Teach the dangers of blind faith in politics and religion in equal measure

Force the self-appointed spokesmen into endless debates among themselves
Grant them that god exists but make them prove that he has a ‘Word’
Rate them like mutual funds, rank them by their assets and absurdity of beliefs

Combat them with comedy and satire, reason, logic and broad education
Question their authority, make plain their assumptions and criticize their dogma
I ask them merely to explain events in a way that makes any real sense today

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